Maybe I won't look like this at the end of the semester. We shall see... |
I am not a very good blogger. I am a good reader of other people's blogs. I don't post on this blog very often at all. I am very busy these days as most people seem to be. I homeschool my oldest. She is 13 and starting 9th grade this year. My almost 3 year old has her own way of doing things which is usually not my way. She is making her own schedule for potty training which I think is no schedule at all. She doesn't seem to have any interest. I have enough interest for her to go on the potty for the both of us. I am trying to relax and let it go more a her pace, a pace she is most comfortable with. I am also starting school this fall for my master's degree. I have finally decided on what I want to be when I grow up. I have put this off for as long as I could. It is time to bite the bullet and get it done (one class at a time = all I can handle).